Rendering of Habitat for Humanity's 3D-printed home in Brentwood. (Photo: SQ4D)

King Quality donating roof for 3D-printed Habitat for Humanity home

Long Island-based contractor King Quality Roofing and Siding will donate and install the roof for a 3D-printed home being built in Brentwood by Habitat for Humanity.

The company will install the roof on Wednesday, August 21 at 144 Wicks Road, where the home is being constructed by a collaboration between Habitat for Humanity of Long Island and SQ4D, a builder that specializes in 3D-printed homes. More than 50 percent of the home, including the foundation and walls, was built using a concrete 3D printer.

Brentwood Family Habitat
Photo: SQ4D

The new home’s future owners, Carmen and Starky and their two children, have spent years living in a cramped basement apartment, where the kids have had to sleep in the boiler room. The couple, immigrants from the Dominican Republic, will complete 300 hours of “sweat equity,” contributing to the construction of their own home as well as homes for other future Habitat homeowners.

“The Habitat for Humanity mission is building ‘Homes of Hope,’ making families’ dreams of owning their own home come true,” said Jimmy Jack, CEO of Habitat for Humanity of Long Island. “Our mission is made possible by caring, compassionate people and businesses like Jeff Brett and King Quality, who are donating and installing the roof on the Habitat home we are building for a precious family. This home is special and so inspiring because it’s our first new innovative 3D house – and we’re making a family’s dream come true.”

The roof donation is the fourth from King Quality on Long Island this year. King Quality CEO Jeff Brett was honored as Habitat for Humanity of Long Island’s “Man of the Year” last year for the company’s ongoing contributions that support Habitat Long Island’s mission of empowering families to achieve homeownership through its affordable housing program.

The partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Long Island is the latest initiative under King Quality Cares, the contractor’s charitable arm dedicated to supporting and raising awareness for charities and community organizations across Long Island.

“Donating roofs to support Habitat for Humanity of Long Island’s mission is a privilege for King Quality Roofing and Siding,” said Brett. “This project is particularly meaningful to us. Not only does the house feature cutting-edge technology with the potential to revolutionize housing, but it also symbolizes a brighter future for Carmen, Starky and their two children. Soon, they’ll have a safe, appropriately sized home to pursue their dreams and spend quality family time together. We are deeply grateful to Habitat Long Island for giving us the opportunity to make a difference in our community.”

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