Some of the 30 student finalists of PSEG Long Island’s fifth annual I Am Em-Powered Energy Conservation Video Public Service Announcement contest as they await the winners’ announcement. (Photo: PSEG Long Island)

Winners of PSEG Long Island’s Energy Conservation PSA Contest honored at LICM

More than 250 people attended a ceremony at the Long Island Children’s Museum in Uniondale last month, honoring the winners of PSEG Long Island’s fifth annual I Am Em-Powered Energy Conservation Video Public Service Announcement contest. The top 10 award-winning PSAs were revealed during the event at the museum, where the videos of the top 30 finalists are on display through the end of July.

In all, over 3,300 students from 4th through 8th grade and 347 high school students participated in the program and contest, representing 40 school districts across Long Island. 

The I Am Em-Powered program is provided free to students in Nassau and Suffolk counties and the Rockaways by PSEG. The STEM-related coursework offers lessons on energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy. The students go on to create public service announcement videos on these topics, entered into the contest by their teachers.

Along with certificates honoring their achievements, the winning students and their teachers received Amazon gift cards, and students were given tickets to the LICM. Teachers also received additional funds to hold a class party celebrating their star scholars.  

“We are so proud of these young students who created PSAs to educate others on concepts of clean energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and conserving energy,” said Michael Voltz, PSEG Long Island’s director of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, who co-hosted the event. “It was great to share in these kids’ special moments and to meet and thank the teachers who implemented the coursework with them.”

In addition to the I Am Em-Powered video gallery, LICM is also displaying posters created by first through fourth graders who completed PSEG Long Island’s Safety Sleuth program. The posters depict situations and offer tips on how to be safe around electricity in and outside the home.

To watch the announcement and view the 10 winning videos, click here.